Total Medals Earned: 2 (From 1 different games.) Total Medal Score: 55 Points
Medals Earned: 2/18 (55/500 points)
Rest before you need to.
Get all of Dracula's artifacts by digging.
Reject the final offer (Polly)
Beat the game with Polly
Beat the game with Emmy
Beat the game with Beth.
Get a girl mad at you.
Bought the brick.
Beat the game with maximum (100) Piety.
Beat the game with maximum (100) respect.
Beat the game with maximum (100) charm.
Beat the game with all girls. (multiple playthroughs)
Beat the game without using the secret.
Get all of Dracula's artifacts by buying them.
Revealed all 3 girl's secrets in one playthrough.
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!